Monday, May 28, 2012

Keeping parents informed about ELECT

When implementing ELECT in our playgroups at the OEYC Ottawa South, it is important that we find different ways to share this information with parents and caregivers. Just as children have different learning styles, so do adults therefore we try to use pictures, simple program plans as well as more detailed information.

Here is what we are doing in our playgroups...

The first way we share information is by posting our program plans (which use ELECT) in each learning centre CLICK HERE FOR AN EXAMPLE. The second is by posting the "Learning Stories" in the area in which the story was observed and the corresponding picture was taken CLICK HERE FOR AN EXAMPLE.

For parents who are interested in having more detailed information, we have prepared a parent/caregiver information binder. We have a binder (in English or in French) in each of our playgroup locations. The binder contains a simplified version of the framework:
To view the various pages, click on the highlighted text.

How do you communicate about ELECT with your parents and/or caregivers?


  1. I have worked in family child care settings for a number of years, and have utilized our daily activity reporting to help my parents understand more about ELECT, in particular how the learning domains relate to our activities. We have used photos in a scrapbook page style with activity descriptions and the related skills noted, but on a daily basis we use our e-mailed individual daily reports, where each activity can be linked to the learning domains and root skills of ELECT. Our parents have a better understanding of why we do activities, how it benefits their child, and how we are meeting the learning outcomes outlined in ELECT.

    1. What a great idea Cynthia. I'm sure that the families appreciate not only knowing what type of day their children had but also all the learning opportunities their children encounter during the day. Would you be willing to share an example of an email individual report (without names of course) for inspiration?


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